Your business is making the best wine you can each season.

The next step is having plenty of people drinking and purchasing the fruits of your labor.  If it really was a no-brainer to have a winery and make it on your own as a vintner, there’d be millions of no-brained individuals quitting their day jobs and starting a winery.  The truth of it is, it takes a lot of brains and hard work to make a successful winery.  Sometimes, the work is overwhelming, so sales and marketing gets neglected.

The golden rule for every business is this: “Put yourself in your customer’s shoes.”
This is what Patty does for you.  She lets you see your business through your customer’s eyes.

Wine ConsultingAs a successful winery owner, wine trail director, customer service trainer and marketing /public relations instructor, Patty can show you how to increase your bottom line by bringing in more paying customers to your winery.  From the winery tasting room to your website, Patty can help you improve your winery’s public image, develop and retain a base of satisfied customers and enjoy an immediate increase in revenue.

Patty has traveled extensively all over the country visiting winery tasting rooms and has gathered an arsenal of ideas that work to generate revenue.  Check out her Blog for ideas to generate revenue.

Patty’s passionate areas of consulting:

1. Winery Tasting Room Evaluation and Tune UpDo you want to increase your revenue by 10%?
2. Website Report Card and Tips to Get Found Is your website working 24/7 for you?
3. Great Customer Service TrainingAre you providing REMARKABLE customer service?
4. How to Run a Successful Wine TrailDo you have 1000 people coming to your winery on a
February weekend?